VALSPORT's most popular style "TOURNAMENT". Classic coat shoes are a popular product in Japan. "Magic", which has a popular model that follows. This is the model that many customers choose to his Next Valsport. Luigi, a designer, talks about Magic:
"" Magic "was developed with the current lifestyle and fashion characteristics. Inspirating running shoes, it is a classic sneaker. The material used is wonderful. NEXT of our traditional brand. It will be a Signature. Magic likes to match the casual style. I recommend it to match the classic style. I really like the color of GREEN that symbolizes VALSPORT.
VALSPORT has created a masterpiece as a sports brand. The attitude has not changed as a fashion brand. There are not many shops in Japan that develop VALSPORT. At Cink Estele, I would like to tell Japanese customer the trajectory that expands as a fashion brand as well as the history of the brand.